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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

it ain't over, till it's LEFTOVERS!

It can get really frustrating when you have leftovers and it just sits in your fridge thinking of what to do with it, 2 things: heat it, then eat it, or just throw it away.

Now, if you have leftover adobo, may it be chicken or pork, you can do both with this recipe.

Rip up the adobo in small pieces, heat it in hot skillet until it appears dry, you can mix it with a little bit of chili powder, salt, pepper and sugar. Continuously heat it until it's flaky, and resembles to hair-like appearance.  Then set aside.

Prepare minced onions, preferably the white one.

Now, if you have leftover bread, evenly spread butter, put your adobo flakes on top, shred a generous amount of cheese and your minced onions and then toast it.

Now, you just made a homemade pizza ala adobo!

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